Who we are​

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to fighting poverty and supporting mental health initiatives in Ghana and the UK.

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“I must work the works of Him who sent me ….”

John 9:4​

We’re dedicated​

Our team, led by Reverend Lydia Koranteng and her husband Abraham, is made up of dedicated individuals who are passionate about creating change. With teams on the ground in Ghana and the UK, we work hard to make sure that our projects have a tangible impact on the communities we serve.

Living The Dream


At Living the Dream, we are committed to creating sustainable projects that have a lasting impact. We believe that the best way to create change is by empowering people and communities to be self-sufficient. That’s why we give small grants to those we help so that they can invest in their own businesses and become financially independent. We also have a Maize farm where we grow crops, and we help people in the community live on the proceeds. Additionally, we do not rely solely on sending money and support. We go directly to the areas we work in to conduct needs assessments and develop projects that are specific to the needs of the community. By focusing on sustainability, we are ensuring that our impact will last long after we’ve left the area.

Digital Transformation

We recognise the importance of digital transformation in our efforts to serve communities both in Ghana and the UK. We leverage technology to expand our reach and ensure that our programs are accessible to those in need. For instance, we conduct prayer sessions and meetings via Zoom, enabling us to connect with people across different locations. We also use internet calls and maintain a website to keep our supporters informed about our activities and the impact we’re making. Moreover, we’re committed to breaking down language barriers by conducting our meetings in the local languages of the people we serve, including Hausa, Twi, Dangbe, Eve, and Ga. By embracing digital tools and resources, we can enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of our projects and make a greater impact in the fight against poverty and mental health issues.

What we do

Our projects include initiatives like textile and fashion schools, mental health awareness campaigns, and poverty reduction programs. By teaching life skills and providing access to resources, we are helping people to break the cycle of poverty and take control of their lives.

To learn more about our impact, check out our Impact page. If you’re interested in partnering with us, head over to our Partners page to see how you can get involved.

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